Monday, April 2, 2018

Bad Food Attitude

Bad Food Attitude 

Bad Food Attitude!
Want to Lose Weight? Lose your BAD Food Attitude!

Do you have a BAD “Food Attitude”?
If you want to lose weight, shed fat and own the fit and healthy body you’ve always dreamed of, step #1 is to Lose the ‘Tude!

Do you snub vegetables? Do you make faces when someone tells you that they ate a healthy choice such as chicken or fish? Do you stick your nose up and say “eeeeewwwww” when someone tells you that a healthy breakfast consists of oatmeal and egg whites? If your response to the fact that you should be drinking water instead of soda is, “I hate water it has no flavor”, if you hear that sugar should be limited in a healthy diet and your response is “I would die without sugar”, if you hear that pizza and nachos are not staples of a healthy diet and your response is “Oh, you’re trying to take away all the “good” foods”…then you are severely suffering from a BAD “Food Attitude”!
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