Friday, April 6, 2018

Over Eating

Over Eating 

Over Eating – The #1 Controllable Killer in America: Overeating
Overeating has led to an obesity epidemic in our country. In fact, overeating is the #1 controllable killer in our country. But how and why did it start?

As a matter of fact, overeating became a habit for many during the Great Depression when families barely had enough food to go around—as a result, the motto of “clean your plate” was born. Fast-forward to the 1950’s. With our country out of WWII, we hit an economic boom and prosperity reigned. Finally there was plenty of food to go around (perhaps more than enough!). The generation that was constantly told to clean their plates and finish every scrap, now had this same ideal ingrained into their thinking. As a result, they passed the clean-your-plate mentality on to children of their own.

But there’s more to the history of overeating than the behavior of generations past. The main culprit of our overeating habits is the food industry. Eating is a sensory activity for us—it smells good, looks good, and most importantly of all, tastes good. So we’ve become enamored with processed foods that cater to our senses—after all, these foods maximize the combination of sugar, fat and salt to the point of irresistibility. This combination tricks our brains into eating well beyond the point at which we should feel full. Hyper-palatable foods, as they’re called, can even cause us to eat when we’re not hungry.

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