Wednesday, June 6, 2018

How to Lose 60 Pounds

How to Lose 60 Pounds 

How to Lose 60 Pounds and 10 Dress Sizes
Kristi’s Amazing Weight Loss Journey… Lost Over 60 Lbs!

I have an Amazing Transformation Story to share with you. Kristi dropped Over 65 lbs of fat, Lost 10 Dress Sizes, Gained Muscle , Lost 11.5″ off her stomach, Lost 8 1/2″ off her hips and 27.5% body fat!! Kristi worked hard and followed the plan, the results were Jaw- Dropping!! Kristi , I am so proud of all that you have done and know how much of an inspiration you are to so many around you. You did all of this with one kidney as you gave one of yours to someone in need. That speaks volumes to me and so many. You have become such huge part of the Hitch Fit Family and we feel blessed to have taken the journey with you!

Week 1 Stats
Weight- 205 lbs
Dress Size- 16
Stomach-43 1/2″
Hips- 46 1/2″
Body Fat%- 49.58%

Final Week Stats
Weight- 147.6 lbs
Dress- Size 6
Body fat%- 22.08%

Read Kristi’s Full Story…

How to Lose 60 Pounds appeared first on Hitch Fit Online Training

How to Lose 60 Pounds posted first on

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